It’s an unfortunate reality, but in many HOAs, a handful of people carry the load for the rest of the board. Those high-achievers can get burned out. (Who doesn’t from time to time, right?)
What can you do to prevent burnout in the first place? And what can you do to ease the burden when people are feeling drained? Here’s some food for thought:
1) Create committees: Through the use of committees, you can better distribute the load. This will also allow you to develop a cohort of members who understand the inner workings of your HOA and may be willing to step up if necessary.
2) Delegate: If you can break down large tasks or roles into smaller ones, it’s better than everybody having to tackle overwhelming work. For example, maybe you have someone who’s interested in owning HOA security, but doesn’t want to attend board meetings. No worries! That person can just keep an eye out for any red flags and let the board know if there are problems. By dissecting the elements of HOA operations into bite-size tasks and delegating, you’ll be a lot better off.
3) Hire a manager: One of the primary reasons you need HOA management is to take the bulk of the workload off the board. In a perfect world, the execution of the day-to-day operations is done by a manager.
In short, we know there can be a lot at stake when managing an HOA or association. Board members need to be fully engaged and energized for the good of the community. This can feel like a tall order at times, when people are juggling multiple priorities, which is why hiring a manager is so important.
That’s where we come in. Our professionals implement proven, yet flexible, systems that resolve all association concerns. We can custom-design a solution around your association’s specific requirements and budget needs. Our main priority is to help increase the value of your community. Our managerial staff provides a variety of ways to help your association achieve this goal. Visit to learn more.